Wednesday 14 November 2012

Reaction To Stress Predicts Health Later In Life
Reaction To Stress Predicts Health Later In Life
I'm sure you've heard the saying "health is wealth". Well, when your health takes a turn for the worse, some people contribute that to your stress. On the contrary, a Penn State University research tells a different story. Is stress getting the better of you? If yes, than you might suffer the health effects in 10 years. So you might want to take things a little easier and not get upset over every small thing.

Are you going to let stress spoil your day and give you high blood pressure? You could always decide to let loose a little. Don't make mountains out of mole hills. Give yourself some breathing room. Avoiding the source of your stress won't solve your problem. The answer is to learn to manage your stress more effectively.

So, this is one thing to ponder about if you want to avoid health problems years from now: Are you going to let stress get the better of you?

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