Friday, 21 March 2014

Significant Fall In Colon Cancer Rates Thanks To More Tests
Significant Fall In Colon Cancer Rates Thanks To More Tests
Cancer of the colon remains the 3rd most common in the us - and the 3rd most fatal. Oncologists expect 136,000 new cases of cancer of the colon this season with 50,000 fatalities. Meanwhile, African-Americans continue steadily to experience a disproportionately greater threat of cancer of the colon, a representation definitely not of poorer usage of healthcare but of stronger genetic factors. In the U.S., blacks experience a 25 % higher risk than whites and a 50 percent higher risk than Asian-Americans.

The incidence of cancer of the colon in older adults decreased by 30% within the last decade, coinciding with a tripling of the colonoscopy rate.

The consistent upsurge in colon cancer the type of under 50 is mainly where tumors developed in the distal colon and the rectum, which includes been associated with rises in rates of obesity and unhealthy diets.